01GENEZO.ZIP 76,968 07-12-92 Book of Genesis in Esperanto, WP 5.1 format
02ELIRO.ZIP 61,113 07-18-92 Book of Exodus in Esperanto, WP 5.1 format
40MATEO.ZIP 52,717 07-11-92 Matthew's Gospel in Esperanto, WP 5.1 format
41MARKO.ZIP 34,848 07-11-92 Mark's Gospel in Esperanto, WP 5.1 format
42LUKO.ZIP 66,268 07-14-92 Luke's Gospel in Esperanto, WP 5.1 format
BIBLES.ZIP 502,198 09-08-92 Free New Testament with word search.
BIBLETXT.ZIP 11,761 05-03-92 Group of 8 short dissertations on variouspassages in the Bible. Most are fromMatthew, 1 is from Luke, 1 discusses "Hades"
BNAMES.ZIP 85,877 02-08-92 Bible Jumbles 1 - Names: solve jumbled wordsfrom OT, NT, entire Bible, or women in theBible. Will give you first letter if youmiss the first try. Game. Req's EGA or VGA.
CCMG0192.ZIP 41,674 03-19-92 Jan. 1992 Issue Of Ccmag..Articles IncludeSun-Moon-Star'S 386sx; Reports On LaserStorage; Review Of Parson'S Personal TaxEdge; Reivew Of Lockman'S Bible Master BibleStudy Vprogram; On-Line Bible College;Windows Utilties; Norton Utilities.
DAILYAPR.ZIP 337,262 12-13-92 The Daily Bible reading program was createdto take people through the Bible in oneyear. It covers the Old Testament once andthe New Testament twice. The Bible is notcalled the Book of Life for nothing! Itkeeps an individual morally decent and italso tells us how to live the way God wantsus to live. DAILY is a structured way ofreading the Bible.
DAILYAUG.ZIP 350,616 12-13-92 The Daily Bible reading program was createdto take people through the Bible in oneyear. It covers the Old Testament once andthe New Testament twice. The Bible is notcalled the Book of Life for nothing! Itkeeps an individual morally decent and italso tells us how to live the way God wantsus to live. DAILY is a structured way ofreading the Bible.
DAILYDEC.ZIP 317,530 12-13-92 The Daily Bible reading program was createdto take people through the Bible in oneyear. It covers the Old Testament once andthe New Testament twice. The Bible is notcalled the Book of Life for nothing! Itkeeps an individual morally decent and italso tells us how to live the way God wantsus to live. DAILY is a structured way ofreading the Bible.
DAILYFEB.ZIP 325,375 12-13-92 The Daily Bible reading program was createdto take people through the Bible in oneyear. It covers the Old Testament once andthe New Testament twice. The Bible is notcalled the Book of Life for nothing! Itkeeps an individual morally decent and italso tells us how to live the way God wantsus to live. DAILY is a structured way ofreading the Bible.
DAILYJAN.ZIP 371,241 12-13-92 The Daily Bible reading program was createdto take people through the Bible in oneyear. It covers the Old Testament once andthe New Testament twice. The Bible is notcalled the Book of Life for nothing! Itkeeps an individual morally decent and italso tells us how to live the way God wantsus to live. DAILY is a structured way ofreading the Bible.
DAILYJUL.ZIP 336,086 12-13-92 The Daily Bible reading program was createdto take people through the Bible in oneyear. It covers the Old Testament once andthe New Testament twice. The Bible is notcalled the Book of Life for nothing! Itkeeps an individual morally decent and italso tells us how to live the way God wantsus to live. DAILY is a structured way ofreading the Bible.
DAILYJUN.ZIP 325,213 12-13-92 The Daily Bible reading program was createdto take people through the Bible in oneyear. It covers the Old Testament once andthe New Testament twice. The Bible is notcalled the Book of Life for nothing! Itkeeps an individual morally decent and italso tells us how to live the way God wantsus to live. DAILY is a structured way ofreading the Bible.
DAILYMAR.ZIP 356,791 12-13-92 The Daily Bible reading program was createdto take people through the Bible in oneyear. It covers the Old Testament once andthe New Testament twice. The Bible is notcalled the Book of Life for nothing! Itkeeps an individual morally decent and italso tells us how to live the way God wantsus to live. DAILY is a structured way ofreading the Bible.
DAILYMAY.ZIP 343,157 12-13-92 The Daily Bible reading program was createdto take people through the Bible in oneyear. It covers the Old Testament once andthe New Testament twice. The Bible is notcalled the Book of Life for nothing! Itkeeps an individual morally decent and italso tells us how to live the way God wantsus to live. DAILY is a structured way ofreading the Bible.
DAILYNOV.ZIP 304,945 12-13-92 The Daily Bible reading program was createdto take people through the Bible in oneyear. It covers the Old Testament once andthe New Testament twice. The Bible is notcalled the Book of Life for nothing! Itkeeps an individual morally decent and italso tells us how to live the way God wantsus to live. DAILY is a structured way ofreading the Bible.
DAILYOCT.ZIP 343,465 12-13-92 The Daily Bible reading program was createdto take people through the Bible in oneyear. It covers the Old Testament once andthe New Testament twice. The Bible is notcalled the Book of Life for nothing! Itkeeps an individual morally decent and italso tells us how to live the way God wantsus to live. DAILY is a structured way ofreading the Bible.
DAILYSEP.ZIP 341,138 12-13-92 The Daily Bible reading program was createdto take people through the Bible in oneyear. It covers the Old Testament once andthe New Testament twice. The Bible is notcalled the Book of Life for nothing! Itkeeps an individual morally decent and italso tells us how to live the way God wantsus to live. DAILY is a structured way ofreading the Bible.
GENAID.ZIP 227,454 04-23-92 GENESIS (1-11) STUDY AID: A guide to theKing James version of Genesis. Provides KJVtext window with parallel window displays ofparallel/reference Scriptures, key worddictionary & comments.Concordance, search,et Req. hard drive w/ 1 MB free and 512 KBmemory. Shareware ($50)/H. Daily.
GOSPL_WB.EXE 688,610 06-06-92 Great new hypertext Bible Study Softwarethat contains the gospels with full textseach, topical index, and table of contents. Works under Both DOS and MS-Windows!
HR_READ.EXE 234,129 04-11-92 FROM: InSIGHTS! PUBLICATIONS (tm). Required run-time for all InSIGHTS! PUBLICAT- IONS. Great high reading materialfor serious Christains who love Scripture &the Lord!
INGRSAMP.ZIP 249,426 07-04-92 Sermon notes. Did Jesus' mother think hewas mad? An interesting question in thelight of scripture. Requires VGA and aMOUSE. Also needs HR-READ.* HyperReaderruntime.
JS0504X.EXE 34,272 05-04-92 What is a Christian??? Text file
PESACH1.ZIP 19,049 04-10-92 Information about Passover.
PROVADAY.ZIP 59,198 01-07-92 Proverb(s) for the day.
SCRIPT12.ZIP 244,261 02-25-92 Scripture Master 1.2: Software which quicklyand easily allows you to memorize Bibleverses, even if you do not possess greattyping skills. 103 passages from each of 3translations are included (KJV, NIV, NKJV). Add your own verses and/or translations. other info. Shareware ($20) from PractiComp.
SMOKNGN.ZIP 20,246 07-22-92 Smoking Gun: A trial of Jesus ChristControversial text file.
SOV2.ZIP 295,306 09-09-92 John G. Reisinger's excellent paperback"The Sovereignty of God in Providence" isnow updated for computer reading from Booksby Bergeron. Requires VGA. Freeware.
STUDY18.ZIP 418,675 03-06-92 Bible Study Topic Door for BB or Stand Alone
TBSAYS18.ZIP 159,146 03-08-92 Bible Verse Door for BB or Stand AloneProgram
_1VERSE.ZIP 239,700 04-28-92 * NEW * Gospel Concordance Database! Pop-upwindows for user-defined Bible Version, u/dTopics, & Gospel verse entry. Allows 3different search methods & includes onlinehelp. Enhances Scripture study & assists inrecalling hard-to-find verses. $5registration with optional upgrade to latestversion. Hope you like it!!!